Monday, March 4, 2013

Are you done?

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.  -- 2 Peter 3:9

Conversations and occurrences I have faced the last couple days keep pointing me back to the same place.

The same person who shared the Bible verse stated above recently on Facebook also shared an interesting quote with me.

"Why should anyone hear the Gospel twice before everyone has heard it once?  " -- Oswald Smith.

I get frustrated with how often some people reject Christ repeatedly, defiantly, and completely without thought. They are rich in life, poor in life, good-doers, evil doers -- it doesn't matter because they are all the same. They are all headed one way. But as I age and grow in the Lord's mercies my anger turns to great sorrow. In 2 Peter 3:9 the Lord does not want ANY to perish. His will is for ALL to come to repentence. How heartbreaking to be denied and then to know where that denial is leading -- and how much you love that person.
I heard someone say they were done witnessing to others. The person said he/she would never say a word about faith to anyone ever again because of the nasty backlash. The next day I heard someone else refer to the scripture in which Jesus says "Go into the world and make all disciples." THAT person who quoted it added "that means your kids, your family -- everyone." So we're to preach at them? We can't do that! They'll turn away and reject even further. We need to speak to them in love. Demonstrate in love. And let God do the rest. Never cease praying. Share the gospel. Always. For your enemy is like a lion that prowls looking for whom he can devour. Is that you? Have you thrown in the towel in sharing your faith because it hurts too much? The hurt coming will be much deeper if you stop. I have been yelled at, called names and been de-friended on Facebook for my faith. Each time it hurt me so badly and I said "I am done."
God reminded me I am not done. There are missionaries on the other side of this earth risking their lives in underground churches. There are men and women dying for the same thing I believe in. So if a few words slap us in the face, we should remember those who are dying so that everyone can hear the gospel just that once.
Next time you begin to share your faith -- lovingly mind you --and you hear that voice saying "Watch what you say." or "You might offend." Stop and remember 2 Peter 3:9. God wants no one to perish. And you did what the Lord led you to do. What that person does with that information is now his business. Leave it. Shake the dust off your feet when rejection comes, the Word says. God will honor your obedience. Stand firm on that Great Commission.