Monday, March 4, 2013

Are you done?

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.  -- 2 Peter 3:9

Conversations and occurrences I have faced the last couple days keep pointing me back to the same place.

The same person who shared the Bible verse stated above recently on Facebook also shared an interesting quote with me.

"Why should anyone hear the Gospel twice before everyone has heard it once?  " -- Oswald Smith.

I get frustrated with how often some people reject Christ repeatedly, defiantly, and completely without thought. They are rich in life, poor in life, good-doers, evil doers -- it doesn't matter because they are all the same. They are all headed one way. But as I age and grow in the Lord's mercies my anger turns to great sorrow. In 2 Peter 3:9 the Lord does not want ANY to perish. His will is for ALL to come to repentence. How heartbreaking to be denied and then to know where that denial is leading -- and how much you love that person.
I heard someone say they were done witnessing to others. The person said he/she would never say a word about faith to anyone ever again because of the nasty backlash. The next day I heard someone else refer to the scripture in which Jesus says "Go into the world and make all disciples." THAT person who quoted it added "that means your kids, your family -- everyone." So we're to preach at them? We can't do that! They'll turn away and reject even further. We need to speak to them in love. Demonstrate in love. And let God do the rest. Never cease praying. Share the gospel. Always. For your enemy is like a lion that prowls looking for whom he can devour. Is that you? Have you thrown in the towel in sharing your faith because it hurts too much? The hurt coming will be much deeper if you stop. I have been yelled at, called names and been de-friended on Facebook for my faith. Each time it hurt me so badly and I said "I am done."
God reminded me I am not done. There are missionaries on the other side of this earth risking their lives in underground churches. There are men and women dying for the same thing I believe in. So if a few words slap us in the face, we should remember those who are dying so that everyone can hear the gospel just that once.
Next time you begin to share your faith -- lovingly mind you --and you hear that voice saying "Watch what you say." or "You might offend." Stop and remember 2 Peter 3:9. God wants no one to perish. And you did what the Lord led you to do. What that person does with that information is now his business. Leave it. Shake the dust off your feet when rejection comes, the Word says. God will honor your obedience. Stand firm on that Great Commission.

Monday, February 18, 2013


Read Mark 7:31-37.

If you read the title of this entry you probably thought "What is that?" Or if you tried to pronounce it you probably got discouraged.

I took it from today's scripture reading in Mark 7. The word jumped out at me. It means "Be opened."

See here in verse 32-34: " There some people brought to him a man who was deaf and could hardly talk, and they begged Jesus to place his hand on him.  After he took him aside, away from the crowd, Jesus put his fingers into the man’s ears. Then he spit and touched the man’s tongue. He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him, “Ephphatha!'"  It was then that his ears opened and he could speak.

What struck me here was that he WANTED to hear. Well, of course a deaf man wants to hear. But how many of us are spiritually deaf -- even for temporary moments? I have been deaf lately. It seems like everything I read is a glazed page in my Bible. Listening to the word is static. It was so depressing knowing I am not "getting it." I had a choice. I could continue on and just "hope" it came back. OR I could simply ask God -- with my minimal enthusiasm -- to open these tired ears.

I want to hear. I want to know. And sometimes we get so frustrated when we don't hear what we want that we shut out everything. It becomes routine and stale. That is how God's Word was for me in the last several days. Habit makes me read my devotions. Yet I was gaining nothing. It was my subconcious way of saying "I want answers that speak to ME, and since I see none, I am putting everything on mute."

If I couldn't see it, then I surely didn't want to hear it.

So now I cry "Ephphatha!" "Be opened!" Open my ears, my mind, my heart. Wake me up, Lord. Blast me in stereo. I CHOOSE to seek so that I may hear FROM YOU -- not FOR me.

What do you hear when you read the Bible? Nothing? Then ask. Cry out for the sake o fthe deaf man that lives in you....

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Flooded wedding...Whoooosh!

Read Matthew 24

Can you imagine being in the middle of your wedding and then - WHOOSH -- a tidal wave of rain sweeps through and literally puts a damper on the whole thing? It would be worse if you were never warned of the flooding rains. It would be downright stupid to move forward with a wedding when you are told life-changing rains are coming and will certainly wreck the whole thing.

But in Noah's time, this happened. You know the story. No one listened to this great man of God. They thought he was crazy. They went about their daily lives. And then Swooooosh...wiped out. Gone.

Matthew 24: 36-39 reminds us of this. "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.  As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.  For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark."
It then goes on to say "no one knew" until it got there. Maybe they did not know the exact day, but they had been warned it would rain. Still, they went on drinking and having a party like no biggie.

Matthew 24 is filled with reasons for us to be prepared for the end. I am not talking about the Mayan craziness of predicting a day. I am saying it can happen anytime.
What  issues are you married to? What is your life showing forth for when the last big "Whoooosh" comes through? Are you really ready to stand before the King? REALLY?

I'm not saying live in fear and do not get married literally or to let your life go to nothing but waiting. I am suggesting some of us will be caught in uncompromising situations. If there is sin in your life that you are trying to cover up, how about you wash it away completely -- now? Do it before the rains come. You might not like how the "wedding" ends otherwise.

Read Matthew 24. You'll see what I mean.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

When it doesn't make sense

She has everything.
She was given a wonderful husband while so many her age are still searching for Mr. Right. She has beautiful, healthy children although so many cannot conceive or perhaps they have children with terminal illnesses. She has a new home, though not an HGTV model. She does what she loves for a living while others hate their job day after day.
And yet she is depressed.
As a Christian reading this, it would be quick to assume this woman does not have Jesus in her life. But she does. Very much so. Which makes it even harder for her to understand this illness. She goes through days of feeling hopeless and like she is failing everyone in her path -- including God Himself. Add any minor trial to that mix and she is near breakdown.

I wrote this because I believe there are many women out there who feel like this. Happy but not at peace. For whatever reason they are plagued by chronic depression, taking medicines, therapy, and being told to have more faith. Christians shouldn't be depressed. I wanted to tell you that they do. Proverbs tell us we don't need to understand everything. Maybe it seems as though someone with Jesus in her heart shouldn't feel down, but they do. Jesus never said we would only smile and be happy. He did, however, tell us to trust Him. Trust.
Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths."
You're not alone.

Friday, January 25, 2013

We should be singing

Just before I began to type this, my triplet daughter, Hope, spent 15 minutes straight playing her toy guitar and singing hymns and Bible choruses -- every single one she knew. She was in the other room, unaware that anyone was listening. She just sings and sings. It melted my heart and made me think. Just as she sang the verse "God answers prayer..." in the song "God is so Good," it hit me. I never sing aloud anymore. I don't "shout to the Lord" like I should.

The book of Psalms is filled with songs of praise. Why don't we sing? Maybe our voices aren't so good. I know that is how I feel. My husband is this magnificent singer. My daughters all sing with him from time to time. So when he told me -- not asked -- told me we were singing as a family on Christmas Eve at church, I froze. Me too? Really? On stage? With a microphone?
Long story short, I did it. I stood with a microphone and sang "Away in a Manger" with my talented family. What a blessing. I occasionally sing in the car, but not like I used to. I believe the enemy likes to shut our mouths of praise and convince us we don't need to speak or sing aloud the Lord's praises. But the Lord delights in them! Verse 4 or Psalm 149 says it : "For the Lord takes delight in his people;he crowns the humble with victory." He knows when we sing from our hearts -- not to be heard. Much like little Hope.
 So, you know what? I am going to start singing. Maybe not on stage per se, but aloud in my house, in my car...wherever I feel the words tug on my lips. Why not shout to the Lord?
Read Psalm 149.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Pick it up

Galatians 6: 5 -- Each one will have to carry his own load.
Read Galatians 6

So often I tell my girls to clean up. Their toyroom is much like Fat Albert's Junkyard (I hope you have seen that show or that makes no sense). While shoveling through Barbies, stuffed animals, polly pockets and Pet Shops, they often come to me with the same complaint.

"She's not cleaning up."
"She" would be one of the other sisters. Instead of worrying about their own work they are too busy complaining about what no one else is doing. I could point out scripture like the parable of removing a log from your own eye before you remove the speck from your brother's eye. I could also point out Martha's busy attitude and her whining about Mary was not helping.

Instead, I give you this.
In Galatians it explains how each person has his own "load" to carry. If we are not doing our own work and staying focused we will only falter. Are you working everyday with someone who fails to cooperate...who does nothing while you do everything? It makes you mad and you complain as soon as the person is out of ear shot. But what good does it do you? Carry it. Yes, even if it is more than you want to pick up -- carry it.
This is true in the church. I had someone tell me she wanted nothing to do with one specific church because the church did not carry her son through his problems. Do we expect everyone else in our churches to carry everything? Even our family? Yes, we need to bear one another's burdens, love and comfort one another. But we must pick up some load too. Ask yourself today what is waiting for you to pick up and do. How are you serving? At your job? In your church? In your home? And if you serve in all capacities, are you doing so joyfully or are you Martha -- complaining that you are doing it alone while "so and so" sits by.
I tramped on my own toes.
Time to pick it up.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Pressing in

Read Mark 5: 24-34

Ever feel like you have to fight the masses to get a word in edge-wise? Ever feel like you are always last, always unheard, always forgotten?
I think the woman in Mark 5 :27 felt that way. Yet, she knew she had to get through. She felt ostracized for many years because of illness. No one cared about her for fear of getting sick themselves. She heard about Jesus but had yet to see him. She told herself if she saw Him she would press toward Him for healing. She had to.
So the day arrived. He came.
Verses 27-29: When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, 28 because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” 29 Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.
Do you think maybe she hesitated? She saw the crowd around Him and thought (maybe) "I am not good enough to get through to Him. People need Him more than I do."
At the same time a man came for healing for his young dying daughter. Had she, this woman, thought about turning and saying "Just forget it."?
Have you?
Have you neglected asking God for something because you feel it is not important enough? Or because you feel unimportant yourself?
Here's the thing. When Jesus comes your way there is no time for hesitation. You go. You press. You push onward toward Him with such vigilance that He will sense -- He will KNOW your heart's desire. Whatever you are keeping from Jesus, He already knows. He will answer you only if you press. Press in, friend. PRESS.