Thursday, January 17, 2013

Pick it up

Galatians 6: 5 -- Each one will have to carry his own load.
Read Galatians 6

So often I tell my girls to clean up. Their toyroom is much like Fat Albert's Junkyard (I hope you have seen that show or that makes no sense). While shoveling through Barbies, stuffed animals, polly pockets and Pet Shops, they often come to me with the same complaint.

"She's not cleaning up."
"She" would be one of the other sisters. Instead of worrying about their own work they are too busy complaining about what no one else is doing. I could point out scripture like the parable of removing a log from your own eye before you remove the speck from your brother's eye. I could also point out Martha's busy attitude and her whining about Mary was not helping.

Instead, I give you this.
In Galatians it explains how each person has his own "load" to carry. If we are not doing our own work and staying focused we will only falter. Are you working everyday with someone who fails to cooperate...who does nothing while you do everything? It makes you mad and you complain as soon as the person is out of ear shot. But what good does it do you? Carry it. Yes, even if it is more than you want to pick up -- carry it.
This is true in the church. I had someone tell me she wanted nothing to do with one specific church because the church did not carry her son through his problems. Do we expect everyone else in our churches to carry everything? Even our family? Yes, we need to bear one another's burdens, love and comfort one another. But we must pick up some load too. Ask yourself today what is waiting for you to pick up and do. How are you serving? At your job? In your church? In your home? And if you serve in all capacities, are you doing so joyfully or are you Martha -- complaining that you are doing it alone while "so and so" sits by.
I tramped on my own toes.
Time to pick it up.

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