Sunday, December 30, 2012

Pressing in

Read Mark 5: 24-34

Ever feel like you have to fight the masses to get a word in edge-wise? Ever feel like you are always last, always unheard, always forgotten?
I think the woman in Mark 5 :27 felt that way. Yet, she knew she had to get through. She felt ostracized for many years because of illness. No one cared about her for fear of getting sick themselves. She heard about Jesus but had yet to see him. She told herself if she saw Him she would press toward Him for healing. She had to.
So the day arrived. He came.
Verses 27-29: When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, 28 because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” 29 Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.
Do you think maybe she hesitated? She saw the crowd around Him and thought (maybe) "I am not good enough to get through to Him. People need Him more than I do."
At the same time a man came for healing for his young dying daughter. Had she, this woman, thought about turning and saying "Just forget it."?
Have you?
Have you neglected asking God for something because you feel it is not important enough? Or because you feel unimportant yourself?
Here's the thing. When Jesus comes your way there is no time for hesitation. You go. You press. You push onward toward Him with such vigilance that He will sense -- He will KNOW your heart's desire. Whatever you are keeping from Jesus, He already knows. He will answer you only if you press. Press in, friend. PRESS.

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