Monday, November 19, 2012

Content in a Christ-less world

Read Philippians Chapter 4

"Cry out, 'Save us, God our Savior; gather us and deliver us from the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name, and glory in your praise.' " -- I Chronicles 16:35

I admit I wasn't happy with the election a couple weeks ago. But before all of the supporters of our President throw bricks at me, let me say this is not a political blog.
I prayed for God's will and I am satisfied with whatever answer that may mean. Scripture talks about being content no matter what (Philippians 4:11). And so I must stick by that.
I could list all of the ways our country is failing -- my own home state is considering actions that will giving marriage a new definition. Nowhere in scripture is marriage defined the way so many states are changing it.
Still, I am content.
I know my Redeemer lives. I know my King is on the throne. I know who rules. And I know He will make justice one day and we will all -- even I -- will be judged for every action and decision and opinion. That is so very humbling. So because of that I will be content and trust in He that is within me.
What are you complaining about this week as we enter Thanksgiving? I know we addressed this in the last blog, but it must be a real problem for some of us because it keeps getting placed on my heart (I must be at fault for my own complaints!). So as I encourage myself here, I encourage you. I still do not want to complain. We may live among the God-less, but we have so much to thank God for. We may feel life is unfair, but this IS life. Our mothers chose life. Be thankful for that. You may feel alone and tired of being alone and tired of doing everything on your own. Philippians 4:13 says we can do all things THROUGH CHRIST. There is no other way, friend. So keep complaining as long as you depend on yourself. Read what Paul said to the Philippians and apply it to yourself.
And.. " Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." -- Philippians 4:8

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