Saturday, November 10, 2012

I want to stop complaining

Read Exodus 34:5-7
I sometimes make a growling noise when I have had enough. When children fail to finish their meals or clean up their rooms...when someone repeatedly criticizes me or my work...when it rains and I have to carry loads of grocery bags in the house...when the phone won't stop ringing...when my to do list is longer than I like and their are STILL only 24 hours in the day...
Yes, I get angry.
I often find myself shouting in frustration. It seems to make me feel better. But do we ever consider anyone else when we get THAT angry? You know what I mean...the kind of anger where the warm air begins to filter inside our nostrils and ear canals. The kind that may began with a sigh and end with the slam of a door or someone crying.
In essence anger is disappointment in the unfulfilled. Someone was supposed to do something. Something should not have happened.
 We are --as it says in Lamentations 3:42-- "contrary." How often do we shout at God because of displeasure in our current circumstances? The big stuff makes us angry. Our marriage failed. Our bank account is empty. Our job is gone. Our health is poor. So we get mad at the one we think made this possible or perhaps the one we think should wave a magic wand and "Poof!" it's gone.
How patient he is with us. He had every reason to get mad at the people in Exodus 34. All they did was complain about unmet expectations. Every time the Lord provided for them. We think our moment of peace and happiness must happen NOW.  We are stiff-necked. Read the last verse in this passage...He still makes a way for them and they should have no choice  but to praise Him. Do they? Read further into Exodus and see. Then ask yourself, how am I complaining to God? He is so good to us.

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