Tuesday, November 27, 2012

When the Word makes you say "Whoa."

I was reading the first couple chapters of Malachi the last few days and it struck me to write about something that made me go "whoa."
When a verse makes you go "whoa" you know you have been hit in the gut and you want to just bow completely head to toe and say "Lord, I am so sorry," or "Lord, if I have done that -- please, please forgive me."
Here is the whoa moment.
Chapter 2 conludes this way in verse 17 : "You have wearied the Lord with your words.
'How have we wearied him?' you ask. By saying, 'All who do evil are good in the eyes of the Lord, and he is pleased with them' or 'Where is the God of justice?'"
It made me think immediately of two specific things. When I hear pastors or proclaiming Christians say God is ok with homosexuality -- that it pleases him... Whoa. How wrong. I could write a book on that one, but I will not go further. Look up scripture on that one yourself. It's wrong because the Bible says so (I Timothy 1:10 is an example pure and simple).
Secondly the "Where is the God of Justice?" Whoa. I imagine this one has found me at fault at some point in my Christian walk. One person recently looked at a sick individual in her youth and said to me, "This is the only time I question God."
I have learned to not make that statement anymore. When we ask why -- it may feel normal, and it is. We are human and God says so. Read Malachi 2 and see the verses before this last one about the adulteress situation and the tears of "why." But God is mighty and sovereign. We must, we must believe it. We can ask why -- but not question his justice. He is just. When that murderer goes free from a sentence -- God is just. When that pedophile manages to escape the law, God is just. When politics control everything we do -- God is just. It makes him weary to know you believe otherwise. When you have an intimate relationship with the Creator through His Son, the last thing you want to do is make him weary. You honor Him. You may question. But You honor him. Dig deep into the Word today. Don't be afraid to dig deep. You will draw nearer to Him if you do. And you will find more of those verses -- as you grow -- that make you say "Whoa."

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